Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Athiests, Idols, and the Skeptical Christian that support them

Blaise Pascal said:   
"What else does this craving, and this helplessness, proclaim but there was once in man a true happiness, of which all that remains is the empty print and trace?  This he tries in vain to fill with everything around him, seeking in things that are not there, the help he cannot find in those that are, though none can help, since this infinite abyss can be filled only with an infinite and immutable object, in other words by God himself"

I would have to say, that the part of the Natural Man is his religious nature,  This religious part of our existence only gives an indication that there was once a perfect "religion" so to speak.  Even though man hates God since childbirth, he still goes for religious things in the forms of idols.  Atheistic Scientists, fail to realize that they themselves are a part of religious system of idol worship. 

To the skeptic Christian, I wonder if he sees this?  If he does, what does he do with it when he applies it to the Evolutionist he supports? An Atheists worships the idea of Evolution as savior from the Lord.  It is their idol, a fortress mindset that blocks out the knowledge of God in their life.  They sacrifice their time, money, and energy in supporting this idol.  They seek to convince others of their idol, in order that they might worship it too. 

If you do not believe that Evolution is an idol, attack their idol, and see the backlash!  Why are skeptical Christians so willing to accept other people's idols?  Do we not see that they are destroying themselves?   What good can and idol bring into a person's life but they as Jonah says "those who cling to worthless Idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs"

When the Skeptical Christian takes the idol of Evolution what does he sacrifice?  He sacrifices his time and effort to support the idea of Evolution.  They sacrifice the truth of the Bible, which erodes confidence in it.  They sacrifice their own credibility to the Atheist, the Atheist knows that he has an idol that is contrary to God, and when a Skeptical Christian supports him, he laughs.

 Sadly, many Atheists are the children of Skeptical Christians.  If you ask Atheists, you would be surprised that how many grew up in Christian homes.  Their parents didn't have an answer to the idol of Evolution, and they needed one.  The need was filled by the idol of Evolution, and with the help of the Skeptical Christian they forfeited the grace that could have been theirs.

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