Monday, January 27, 2014

Answering the Skeptic Christian!

You would think all we would have to answer to is the skeptic non-Christian – but that’s not the case!

Before anything is said, however let me remind myself and the reader:

Romans 11:34-35 “For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been His counselor?  Or who has given a gift to him that he might be repaid?”

That ultimately God knows, and we don’t.  God has only revealed enough in Scripture to pertain to Salvation, and Godly living.  While my desire is to defend a Biblical Worldview, we don’t have some corn market on Theology, or Science.  I cannot claim and say that just because a Christian does not believe exactly how I believe about Creation means that they are unsaved.  God had to do a work in my heart, and renew my mind just like everyone else.

Ephesians 4:1-6 has a list of major doctrines of the Bible, which every believer must agree on in order to work together.  Everything else is a minor.  Now that does not mean that unbelief in the whole of Scripture being God’s word does not have its consequences.  I myself suffered the inconsistency when I rejected Genesis chapters 1-11 as they are written – literal historical.  God renewed my mind, and I had help, so my desire is to help other Christians.

This hopefully will be a blog title that I come to again and again as I hope the Lord will grow and develop the ministry.  Though it is sad that most attacks on ministries come from people who profess faith in Jesus Christ, it is just the reality of the sinful heart.  Christians, and myself especially, are not exempt from attacking Christian beliefs 

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