Thursday, June 30, 2011

Awesome DNA

MtDNA is inherited Maternally, or through the woman. Secular Scientists trace mtDNA to one woman. Now mtDNA was said to mutate every 12,000 years or more. Scientists studied 310 generations of women, and found that in reality it mutates much faster, once every 800 years. This adds up to 6000 years. Instantly scientists were quick to say "we are not considering the biblical Eve" so, they created a rescuing device, and said that it mutated much slower in the past than today.  This in itself contradicts the theory of Uniformitarianism that secular scientists hold onto in geology, but ready make exceptions when their worldview in Biology is challenged.

What is really cool about that is that even Secular Scientists agree that we all come from one woman. Now, molecular clocks, is what they were using to date this, but their times and even the "6000" years is considered bad data. In a paper on chicken feces, yes chicken poop, Secular Scientists are upset with the timescales. In the paper they discuss how if we put the current timescale together, it would have taken 6.5 billion years for everything to evolve... does anyone notice anything about that number? The planet they say evolved 4.5 bya... so 1.5 billion years of evolution without a planet to evolve on.

Circular reasoning is like this, I have a pig, I put the pig on a teeter totter to find out with a rock how much it weights. When I place a big boulder on it I find out that the pig weighs as much as the boulder. So how much does my pig weight? As much as the boulder. How much does the boulder weight? as much as the pig. This is circular reasoning

How old is a fossil, as old as its rock layer, how old is a rock layer, as old as the fossil. Circular reasoning

Even better, the lineage of Jesus Christ "the Righteous" is traced to Eve, 1 woman, mtDNA carrier.

Now the Y chromosome is inherited from the man, so logically it would come from one man in the past. Adam. Now sin and death entered the world via one man, Adam. So if we look at Genesis chapter 5 all sons of Adam in the lineage have one thing in common, they died... Now if you look at the lineage of Jesus, He does not have a human father lineage.

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